Ford Window Rollers

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Martin Burs (60 T-Bird) is THE MAN!  Here he is on his sailboat, when he isn't machining tools.

This is it from the dock.

Based on the OEM window rollers, Martin sketched some dimensions to make ready for some beautiful brass window rollers.


These are the real deal.  I don't know of any vendors that sell brass rollers.  The best you can find is nylon.



Here is one of the original rollers next to a new brass roller.

Same thing, flipped over.

I'm just checking for fit.

It's important to clean up the steel pin before installing the new roller.  When ready, just slip the new roller down until the clip clicks.  Done.

Here it is all greased and ready to go.


So to decipher this:
1953 through 1958, Ford Cars and
1955 through 1958, 1959 and 1960 Thunderbirds (all Classic & Squarebirds) used Window Rollers BA 7023240-A
1961-on (thru 1966) Thunderbirds used 9/16" Window Rollers C0AB 6423240-B





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