Now About Me

I Live in Emmitsburg Md with my wife 2 daughters several cats and a bunch of cichilids.I work for 40 West Towing in Frederick Md as a towing / road service operator. About 2 years ago I underwent back surgery to reconnect my spine . I got an artificial disc 2 rods and 4 screws and fusion. The surgeon told me I`d never be able to go back to any kind of heavy work but here I am.I`m rated at 50% disabled but I still manage to get my work done although sometimes it takes me awhile to get stuff done on my Bird cause I can only do so much at a time and my ability to work overtime is limited due to my injury which makes it hard to afford parts, but its nice to have a patient and understanding boss and a project to keep me focused even if it seems to take forever to see results. I just replaced the gas tank , I need to run a brake line to the back of the car and find out why the driver window only goes down( I think its a wire) .Then I should be on the road. Anyway thats me.

Bird in situ

diamondplate divider

Bird and friends
Ok above you see my car as it was when I got it ,as you can see its pretty dirty . I ran a line into a gas can and replaced the ignition parts but all I could get was big flames shooting up from the carb .Looked pretty wild at night and was kind of spooky since I was alone at a very secluded dead man`s house. This is my Bird hanging out with my bike and my jeep. It was pretty crowded in the backyard that day.

Click my rear end to go back to my homepage or click here for more pics


If you want to e-mail me my adress is